Polish, American credit unions purchase Ukrainian relief ambulances through support fund

July 12, 2022 12:42 am
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A group of American and Polish credit union leaders have joined forces to create a support fund through Polish credit unions delivering relief and economic stability for Ukrainian refugees in Poland. The proceeds of the fund are being used to evacuate ill and injured citizens from Ukraine and to transport refugees arriving in Poland from relief dependency to financial stability.

The two ambulances acquired and donated through this effort are used for the evacuation of sick children, pregnant mothers, and handicapped and injured persons. They are transported to Polish hospitals from Ukraine so they can receive safe and urgent medical attention.

The genesis of the fund came about during a visit to Eastern Europe by American Heritage Credit Union President/CEO Bruce K. Foulke and retired President/CEO of the World Council of Credit Unions, Brian Branch, in March

The two met with government and credit union leaders from Poland and Ukraine, as well as with refugees, to identify ways for the global credit union movement to provide immediate relief and support to move displaced, sick, and injured Ukrainian refugees and to provide refugees with safe housing and employment.

The Polish American Credit Union Support Fund has already raised more than $400,000 through its partnerships with Mitchell Stankovic, C.A.R.E.S. Foundation, several American and Polish credit unions, and the National Association of Credit and Savings Unions, which serves as Poland’s primary credit union association.

From these funds, two ambulances have been acquired to date, which are now in active service, transporting refugees to Polish healthcare facilities.

Donations have also been used to move refugee families to more permanent housing, place refugee children in schools, and find employment for refugees, many of whom arrived with no more than one suitcase for an entire family. To date, over 1,300 Ukrainian families have been supported through this effort.

More information on the Polish American Credit Union Support Fund can be found here.

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