As part of National Consumer Protection Week, Attorney General Dan Rayfield is releasing the top 10 consumer complaints in 2024 to the Oregon Department of Justice.
The top ten list of consumer complaints in 2024 are:
- Telecommunications (1229)
- Fraudulent Entity/Imposter scams (1135)
- Auto Sales and Repair (1050)
- Financial Credit and Lending (741)
- Health/Medical (569)
- Travel Services (525)
- Grocery Food and Beverage (290)
- Real Estate (274)
- Construction Contractors (219)
- Manufacturing (211)
The Attorney General’s Office Consumer Hotline received 22,436 calls and 9,241 written complaints. For the fifth year in a row, telecommunications, imposter scams and auto sales and repairs all landed in the top three. Towing was the only category to drop off, replaced by health and medical complaints at number five.
The number of complaints to the Consumer Hotline doubled, showing the increased need for the work being done in the Consumer Enforcement Division at DOJ, according to Rayfield.